What is God Like
by Bro. Dwayne Cook

 What is God Like?

At this crucial point in history everyone should be seeking an answer to the question, “What is God like?”  Everyone should ask it and everyone should make very sure of the answer. Everyone should know beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly who God is and what He is capable of accomplishing. The Bible says, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them” (Romans 1:19)

It is the absence of the knowledge of God and man’s refusal to obey Him that lie at the root of every problem which besets him. It is man’s confusion about God’s plan that has the world in chaos. It is man’s unwillingness to learn and to obey God’s laws that has laid such a heavy burden on our souls. So let us learn all that we can about Him.

Where can we go for this knowledge? Who among us can tell the truth? Has God designated any one person here on earth to speak with final authority about Him?

No- the one man who could do that lived over two thousand years ago, and we crucified Him! How then, are we to find out?

We can ask learned scholars and they may tell us that God is the expression of everything in nature from the tiniest drop of water in the great arch of the sky above.

Ask a philosopher, and he will tell you God is an immutable force behind creation and is beyond any description attempted by humanity.

Every country, every race of people, have tried to discover the Creator whose work they saw, but whom they did not know.

So now we are left with quite a dilemma.

Well, I am honored to be able to say with all confidence that the God we see in creation is revealed to us in The Bible. In the Bible we have a revelation of God-and based on it our minds can be satisfied and our hearts filled. We can rest assured that we have the correct answer, that we are on our way to knowing and understanding the true nature of God.


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